Friday, July 25, 2008

A New Blog...

So, after a few times of a different journal (ahem..easyjournal) not coming up when I had the itch to blog, I have decided to move my journal.

So, please bear with me while I hopefully get this new journal going.

I hope this one won't let me down..cause when you gotta blog, you gotta blog!! HAHA

SO...I do apologize that I have not blogged in a while. I was going to look and see when the last time I blogged on the other journal site, but alas, it would not come up. So, poo poo on them. I know, real mature there Andrea!! :P

We got back from our vacation safe and sound...with only scabs from our mosquito bites. What? You haven't HEARD the story? OOOHHH...Read on!!

We left Saturday morning (only 15 minutes later than when I wanted to leave) and headed on down to Ashland to meet Mom and Don. They were going to take Ashlyn, Michael, and Kayte for the week while Kent and I went and spent some quality time by ourselves. So, we met at the appointed time (we were actually early) and we met a friend that we knew from Salem down there. So, we went into Subway so that the kids could visit with our friends, and after lunch, Mom and Don were on their way with our kids, and we ran over to our friends house to see where she lived. Finally, about 3pm, we told her we had to leave so we wouldn't be too late in starting our backpacking trip. So, as per our usual M.O. we had to stop by Fred Meyers to "pick up" the stuff that we had forgotten to get.

5:30pm finds us getting our packs out of the back of the van, and ready to be on our way up the trail. 5:50pm finds us booking up the trail, stopping only for a moment as we had to cover ourselves with DEET. Yes, bring out the mosquito's!! So, as we are walking...the mosquito's get worse..instead of "just a few" there are hundreds. When you would swing your arms, you would feel like you were hitting something...and you were hitting the mosquito's.

Mosquito's and I DO NOT get along. They bite me...and I itch the spot and then will have that spot there for the next 3 weeks...still itching it. I swell up where they bite, yeah..I don't like them..Nope, Nope I don't!!

Before long, I told Kent I think we should just make a camp somewhere so we could get out of the bleeping m's. He agreed, so he told me to drop my pack so I could fully keep up with him. I did as I was told...(I have learned that if he tells me to drop my pack, I do it...thus not having to carry the 35 lb monstrosity on my back any longer!!) SO, I TRY to keep up with him...he is good at trail running, I however AM NOT!! So, after hurrying along for about 10 minutes, I hear him up on this ridge, saying that he is up there. So, I follow his voice and he is up on the ridge, putting up the tent. He tells me to jump into the tent, and then he throws his pack into the tent and tells me he will be right back. 15 minutes later, he is back, and he and the pack jump into the tent. At least 30 M's come in with, we spend the next few minutes killing them. Finally, when all are dead, we can only hear the buzz of the m's outside our tent..and I am sure they were wishing they could be inside with us...sucking our blood!! By this time, it is almost 7pm...we ate bagels and trail mix for dinner since neither one of us wanted to risk sticking any body parts out the door of the tent. Then, after some games of cribbage, we went to sleep.

The next morning finds us awake at the break of dawn...but we just laid there listening to the hum of the m's. So, without breakfast or coffee...we clothed ourselves in long sleeves and pants, applied DEET to our body parts that were still exposed, threw our packs back together and put the tent away. And we set off again.

Thinking the higher we went, the less M's there would be. We thought WRONG!! The higher we went, the MORE M's there were. I couldn't stand it anymore, so I told Kent that I thought it would be a good idea if we just said "screw it", so, he agreed, we switched spots to go back down the trail...and hiked almost 3 miles down in about an hour. Finally, once we were back to the van, we formulated a new plan for how we would spend our that did not include MOSQUITO'S!!

Here is a picture of Kent's arm...they just stuck to him...GROSS!!

More of our trip later...I need to do some laundry. :)

I think you can click on the picture to really see the mosquitos. EWW!!

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