Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Sorry for the delay in gets busy sometimes. I am in a mood of I am going to let it all hang out!! If I offend anyone...then I am sorry...and you can stop your reading right here.

So where to begin??

I did mention in my last blog that my IP's are having a little boy. Some people told me that I didn't tell them in my blog...perhaps they just didn't read all the way to the bottom. I won't do that anymore...don't want to upset my readers. :)

Almost 2 weeks ago, Kent and I, along with Ashlyn, Michael, and Kayte, became proud owners of an 8 week old English Bulldog. Talk about a cute mug!! As I type, he is laying in his bed...on my bed...snoring away. We are working on the potty training thing...and it's's going. Some days are way better than others.

I have never had a puppy like this little guy. He is very smart...loves to play...and play...then plops down and sleeps. Couple that with belching, hiccups, and farting...and we are good!!

Personally, I would have settled for a cat...a normal cat...not one that was bulimic...and would eat so fast...then go and puke it up...and then because he would puke it up...he would have to poop...but he wouldn't go in his litter was usually in a spot to be "found" by a shoe. I could not handle that any he went back to where we got him. Not that he was a bad cat...he was a talker...and loved to watch birds out the window. But...there is only so much that I can deal with.

I was asked by a friend how long is this new animal going to last...well...that was kind of a snarky question...and I didn't answer back.'s mostly me that says enough...I am done....I can't handle this...and I re-home the animal. That is just me though. This dog Kivu, however, is not my animal alone.

The Dachshund that we had...Maggie....she was pretty much my dog...and I am not sure why that was. It was usually me that let her out...fed her, played with get the picture. But everyone is really helping out with Kivu. All of the kids take him out numerous times a day...and for that I am thankful. Kent gets up with him...sometimes 3 times a night to take him potty. That was never the case with Maggie...Maggie was vindictive...true story. You would never have thought that about her...but she was. If you did something she didn't like, she would get you back...and then mom would yell...there would be swearing...gnashing of teeth...and tears (from me of course...) and I couldn't deal. So, she found a wonderful home in Vancouver with a gal that would love her forever.

So, if you ask me how long with this animal last in our answer will be forever until he passes on. I have my moments with him...actually, it's only been one moment...and I talked it out with Ashlyn and Kent...and I know what I need to do. Kivu will be dependent on everyone...not just me.

My step-dad had a stroke last Friday. My mom says that he will be ok...but it is a rocky road to recovery. I have been praying daily for him...and my mom...for strength for both of them...for him to get better...and for my mom to be able to deal with this. They can use all the prayers that they can right now...if anyone can spare any.

We had a fiasco with the (BLEEPING) bank this past week. I would love to say it was all our fault...but I don't honestly believe that it was. Kent got his bonus check last we put it in our bank. All is good...our washer died 3 days before that...(can you say laundry piling sky high??) so we went to Home Depot and bought a new washer and dryer. We have been a one car family since Kent sold his Jeep in December. Well, on Saturday, we bought a cute little used Jetta for me...and we went and withdrew the money from the bank to buy it. On Sunday, I went to the hundred dollar store (Costco) and bought groceries...and to Fred Meyers for groceries. Monday, I went and did some small errands...using my debit card the whole time. Around 4pm...I went to Freds and spend $4.04 and used my debit card yet again. This said "Not Authorized." So I tried it again, and it said the same thing. The gal put the slip in and it printed out that there were "insufficient funds." Luckily, I had $5.00 in my wallet...and then briskly walked over to the bank (which is in Fred Meyers.)

I asked the teller why it said we had insufficient funds, and she said that the risk department had put a hold on all of our funds because they had to make sure that the check..which was depostited on Friday was good. I explained that Kent gets a bonus every year...and there shouldn't be any reason that the check wouldn't be good. She told me that after they reviewed everything, then the funds should be available by Thursday. are telling me that I am not going to have any money until Thursday? Yes...until Thursday. I then tell Kent about this...and he is more than LIVID!! So, when he gets home, he calls the bank...does not get anywhere with them...but the promise of a phone call with 24-48 business hours. So yesterday, I go online, and in the WAMU "my messages" I see that there have been 3 items "returned" because of ....yes...insufficient funds!! Seriously?? We have banked with WAMU for over 10 years, and I get three items that will be returned. AARRGGHH!!!

I guess the point that I am trying to make here is this...The teller NEVER said that they would put a hold on this check. We came away with a good balance....the balance only went down when we bought something. It wasn't until Monday afternoon that they put a hold on the check...and then told me I was overdrawn!! IF they would have said ANYTHING about placing a hold on this you think we would have bought a washer and dryer and a car?? Hell NO!! We would have bought NOTHING until the check was cleared. (Can you tell I am upset about this??) Anyways, I called yesterday and spoke to someone in the risk department...and after being on hold, she comes back on and tells me that the reason they put a hold on this check was because the bank that it was drawn on was not wanting to release the funds. This seems strange to me...we get paid twice a month through the bank that the money was drawn on. Why now would they not want to release the funds?? And Kent is not the only one to get a check...there were many employees that received one. My thought on this, is that, yes, they held it...probably because they usually don't see that kind of money in our bank account (Please...I am not talking THAT many thousands!!) and perhaps they thought that it was a fraudulent check??? You know us baddies...Anyways...I am just rambling I should probably be done. Oh...they did release the funds back into our account while I was on the phone with them...and the strange part...WAMU didn't "charge" us any overdraft fees for the returned items. Why not??

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Time to blog!!

Well...I WAS supposed to update last night since we had the ultrasound...but gets in the way and some pregnant women get dang tired. YAWN!! wonderful IP's DID find out what they are having.......

In other news...Kent is gone to L.A. until Friday night (late.) Don't airlines know that pregnant women do not like to stay up late to pick up their husbands?? I mean really...11:30pm for a pick up time is really late for me!! SHEESH!! IS all about me!! Well...for right now anyways!! :)

So, remember how I do not like to spend money on clothing?? I think I mentioned it in a previous post...anyways...I am cheap (not easy) when it comes to buying new things for myself. I want everything at a discount...cause that's just the way I am. Well, shoes and pursed are no exception to the rule. I have a bugger of a time trying to find a purse that I really LOVE!! In reality...if I can find it second hand...I am happy!! (Thanks MOM!!) But...if I can buy it new, and on sale...then I am happy as well. To get to my point...I bought a purse on impulse today!! WOW!! That is SO NOT LIKE ME!!! I did buy it at Macy's...and it was 25% off...but I still paid real, honest to goodness money for it!! And I didn't even hem and haw about it!! I just said...this is the one....I am going to buy it!! I think Ashlyn was pretty surprised at me. She probably thinks I should be pregnant more often if I am going to be so free to spend real money on a purse!! Now granted...I did not buy a Coach purse...she would have fallen over dead...right then and there, had I done that. But the mere fact that it was purchased without hesitation matters...right??

Well....I guess that's it...I guess that's all I have to say for tonight.
Oh...and one more thing...they are having a sweet baby.....BOY!!! YAY!!!

Thursday, March 5, 2009


Today was the day that my IP's were supposed to find out the sex of the baby...however, I got a call from the Dr's office yesterday telling me that the ultrasound tech was ill, and that we would have to reschedule the ultrasound appointment. :( Sad face!! So, we will have to wait until Tuesday at 5:00pm. Oh...the anticipation!!

I still had a Dr's appointment today to recheck my blood pressure. I was sure that my blood pressure last time was high...not only because of the second cup of coffee that I had, but also because a friend was visiting me from Idaho (Hi Tina!!) and I was excited to have her well as seeing my IP's (intended parents for those who are not familiar with the surro lingo..) since they got back from their trip to Hawaii.

So I went to the appointment...only to have my midwife tell me that they need to refer me to an actual Dr. in their practice...that I might be too high of a risk for a midwife. Insert 2nd sad face here!! I really like midwife, but I understand the need for intervention if such the need arises. So, Kent and I talked...I would like to lower my blood pressure without medication...which means less salt, healthier eating, and (gasp) exercise!! I have a 2nd hand treadmill...down in the garage...sitting there..unused. I have yoga dvd's...again..unused. I am afraid of the yoga...and don't laugh...but this is REAL to me. I can't relax...I have a serious problem with it...kind of like getting a massage...NOPE!! I just can't do it!! Kent tells me that I need to just let go...and see...for me...letting go means letting go of control. Not that I am a control freak mind's control of my body...I guess. I don't know...I don't know...I don't know!! Kent LOVES getting massages....he could have one EVERY WEEK if the budget allowed it. He is lucky to get one (we are talking by a professional..not by me) every other month. And I just don't get it. But again...that is just me. One mans massage is another mans Snickers candy bar. :P

I guess I just don't want to let anyone down by this higher than what it's supposed to be blood pressure. I did go out and get a better blood pressure monitor...Alissa told me that the wrist ones are OK...but the one that is like a real cuff that fits above your elbow is best. And I will keep track...daily...and if I can lower it...then maybe I won't need the Dr. and can go back to my midwife.

Tomorrow is my last day at Costco...telling people how to put 2 loaves of bread into a bag. Seems on the simple side huh? Do you know how many people are so set in their ways that they just want their 2 loaves of Oatnut bread and they don't want to hassle with a stupid bag? Or the lady that took just one loaf of bread and I kindly explained to her that the price is $5.49 for 2 loaves of bread...and that it's called "Pick Two" for a reason. She threw the bread back on the shelf and told me in no uncertain terms that she only wanted one loaf of bread...and that I could keep it all for all she cared. "Have a nice day...(grumble grumble) Lady!!" Who peed in her Bran Flakes anyways?? So tomorrow I will be done...done with the "where is the dog food, and where is the maple syrup...and where is this and where is that...and why do they always move everything around all the time in Costco??" Done with the questions of..."what are you doing? Holding up the wall?" My reply is "Yup...and I am getting paid to do it!!" I will go back to me being a stay at home mom...and I can get back to blogging here and there...(I's been a while!!) And I can go back to being able to ask someone at Costco where such and such is. :)