Thursday, January 29, 2009

Bed Sheets and Kitchen Towels

Right before Christmas, Kent and I went to the Clackamas Town Center to peruse the stores for bargains for Christmas gifts. And of course go to Build A Bear Workshop for Kayte...(It's a yearly "tradition" for her to get a new BABW for Christmas.) I say this with a smirk...not only because we have done it probably 3 years in a row...but also because at a certain persons house (I am not mentioning names) there is always one "tradition" or another being started...For instance, going to the movies on Christmas Eve of every year. Well..yeah...that would be a great "tradition" if it were to happen EVERY year...but it hasn' I don't know how it can actually be a tradition. And if they do something new that year...then it becomes a "tradition" but never gets followed up with the next year. But I digress...

Anyways, so here Kent and I and Kayte are shopping with all of the other cabin fevered folks. After BABW...we go upstairs to search for gifts...and come upon this small store front saying 500 thread count sheets for only $30.00. Or, 2 for $50.00!! WHAT?? Are you serious?? So of course we go in and feel the "pillow case" that they have out, so that in fact you can see just how soft these sheets are. We talk to the guy and ask him why and how he can sell these awesome sheets for so little and he tells us that he used to work for the manufacturer of said sheets, and there was a middle man involved somewhere...but now he just buys from the manufacturer directly, thus offering us these great sheets at a real steal!! Now mind you, if you were buying queen, you had 2 colors to choose from and 2 colors only...well, we have a king size do you offer the same deal as the queen? And he said yes...but only in the 2 colors. So, we contemplate these 2 colors, wondering if they compliment each other enough so that we can put a top with the other bottom and interchange the pillow cases. Well, he asks what colors would we really be interested in as he has another color (the sea green color) that he can offer to us. So, we choose the chocolate brown sheets, and the sea green color. Fair enough...we buy our sheets for $50.00 and we forge on ahead looking for just the right Christmas presents.

.....That night, I take the brown sheets out of the package to put in the washer. Holy cow...are sheets supposed to smell like a blanket straight from Mexico? Oh well, into the washer they go. They get to washing...and then go into the dryer where I think they are in there all of a half a second and they are done!! Now onto the fun part...making the bed!! (Note to all: I LOVE CLEAN SHEETS ON MY BED...AND WOULD CHANGE THEM EVERYDAY IF I COULD...) So, we make the bed...and it's time for bed. We crawl in (nekked, of course) and feel like we got the bargain of a lifetime!! Not only did we get 2 (count em...TWO) sheet sets...but they also came with 4 (count em..FOUR) pillow cases EACH!!

....Fast forward to the next week, when I change the sheets to the other color. All is good...till about 4 days later and I feel down where my feet go...and my bottom sheet is pilled. WTH (What The Hell?) I can't sleep with pilly sheets!! SHEESH!! So I change the sheets yet again...and well, a week later, I kind of forget about the pilling, and I put the freshly washed sea green sheets back on the bed. Later that night...Kent gets into bed and he says..." changed the sheets...these feel good." Then a little while later..."Did you flip the sheets up to the top? Cause right where I lay, it's pilled where your feet were!!" Ummm...Oops...I forgot!!

So, to make a long story {{short}}...I think we got taken on these blasted blankety blank sheets!! There is NO way that they are 500 TC sheets!! And when you put them on your bed...You should see all of the little runs there are in said sheets. CRIPES!! You would think we had a darned cat or something clawing at the sheets...but..umm..nope. It's just the freaking awesome (said with all the sarcasm I could muster) sheets!! HARUMPH!! See if I buy sheets from a "dealer" again!! NOUGH SAID!!
*I didn't even get to my part about kitchen towels...that will have to go into another post!!

Monday, January 26, 2009

A beautiful day if I ever saw one!!

Yesterday (Sunday) we woke up to a dusting of snow here in Portland. And by was totally gone.
Today, the sky is a majestic blue...and not a cloud in the sky. However, it looks I don't think I will venture outside today.

I have a to-do list...wanna hear it?

#1- Laundry...I make it disappear, and like just reappears out of nowhere!! I swear, I should be a magician!! I think the headlines would read something like this..."This week only...(not's every week of my life...) Andrea will make the laundry disappear...and it will instantly reappear!! Ta-Da!!" And BAM! There it is again. Blink...and it reappears!! Honestly, one would think we have 15 people living in this house for all the laundry we have. Nope...not 15...just 5...and a million dish towels!!

#2- Clean the bathroom...(Mine...not the kids...cause I don't wanna!!) How is it that I can clean the bathroom on Monday, and by the following Monday, the dust is thick upon the tile again? The hair bunnies are creeping under the cabinet...waiting to brush upon my uncovered foot at any moment?? I mean seriously...a week!! It's not like it's been 5 months since I have cleaned the bathroom...sheesh!! I wish the hair bunnies would go visit someone else's house...

#3-Think about Vacumming. Hmm...that's just what I will do to...THINK ABOUT IT!! :)

#4- Look up recipes for French Bread. (I made bread the other day...silly me...forgot to grease the baking pan...and well...guess what? It stuck. What a pain in the arse to clean!! It had good flavor but I am looking to try a different recipe...anyone have any good one's they can pass on??

#5- Contemplate a new hair cut. UGH!! I got my hair cut a couple weeks ago...and she did such a poor job. I can't stand to look at it. I hate shopping for a new hair dresser. And to think...I paid $$ for the cut and color...(I do like the color...the cut is just awful though!!) :( Poor me!!

#6- Laundry...I know I said this was #1...but guess what?? It has reappeared!!

OK...that's all for now. This list should get me to...oh...about 2pm...and it's almost noon now. Nah...who am I kidding...I can be done in an hour...then I might have a go at list #2!!

Friday, January 23, 2009

Things you don't know about me...

At home today...and not a lot to do...except the endless amount of laundry...but who wants to do that? Not me!!

So here are some ramblings about things you probably don't know about me...

I love cereal. Especially Raisin Bran (there are never enough raisins, so I put in more!!)

I read other people's blogs...except the ones in foreign languages...those I just can't understand!

I love to read books...but if I can't get into it within the first couple of chapters, then I don't finish it.

I like to find mistakes in random writings. The other day, there was a sign at a thrift store and it said Clearence...and I pointed it out to Kent that they spelled it wrong. (Clearance) (Mind you...I am not a perfect speller...but I do know my way around a little bit.)

I love my kids...but they can be frustrating at times.

Just because I get frustrated at them...does not mean I don't love them!!

I am feeling fabulous with this pregnancy!!

I hate the smell of dirt!!

I hate conflict.

I have 2 friends who are trying to get pregnant...and I sincerely hope and pray that it works for them.

I care how other people view me.

I am angry at my dad.

I love my mom.

I get teary sometimes when I think of my mom. *Damn Hormones!!

I secretly hope to be a surrogate again...but I don't know if I will. (guess it's not a secret if I tell people, huh?)

I wish Levi didn't have M.S. but he does and I am so happy that the drugs are working for him.

I don't think that Levi and Liz really know how I feel about them.

*Damn Hormones!!

I think my IP's (Intended Parents) were pretty reserved in the beginning of our journey, but now that we are almost into our 2nd trimester, I feel like they are opening up more...and I appreciate them. I would love to be good friends with them. They are a really great couple.

My husband knows that I love him, but I don't think I tell him often enough. I should work on that.

Same thing with my kids. I am just not a touchy, lovey person and I don't tell them enough that I love them.

I would love a best friend. (Besides my husband.)

I love the spring and fall.

I love flowers...especially in the spring.

I don't watch very much T.V. However, sometimes, I mindlessly watch it.

I love to read the paper from front to back first thing in the morning and hate it when it's not there at 5am!! (6 on weekends!)

I would love a glass of red wine with dinner...(but that will have to wait!!)

I love to get into the hot tub...(but that will have to wait too!!)

I would love to have Lasix on my eyes so I wouldn't have to wear glasses.

I could continue on and on...but I am sure you have seen enough.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Baking a I have time!!

To blog...that is!! Whole chickens take forever to bake!!

Have not blogged in a's really been just the same ole, same ole and I don't want anyone to get bored while reading.

However, with that said, we had the first trimester screening (Nuchal Test) done yesterday. This is a blood test (finger prick) and an in depth ultrasound to measure the clear (translucent) space in the tissue at the back of the baby's neck. Babies with abnormalities tend to accumulate more fluid at the back of their neck during the first trimester causing this clear space to be larger than average.

The test will come back in about a weeks time...but from what the Doctor said, we are in good range to not have any abnormalities. So this is a fabulous thing.

I also had a midwife appointment today. I really like her...she seems so at ease with everything. She got the heartbeat on the Doppler for a moment, but then the baby must have moved, so she couldn't pick it up again. But she said it's a nice strong there are no worries. I go back in a month. I am still spotting here and there but there really isn't too much of a worry about it, unless something changes.

In other news...hmmm...what other news??

We got the girls bunk beds. They needed them so bad, since their room is so small. So, on Saturday, we went bed shopping...and well, kind of shot right through the budget. But we did really good...we not only got the girls their very sturdy bunk beds, we got them shelves (which are cool) and then we got Michael a new desk...and he has one of the twin beds that the girls had...and since his room is small as well, it fits in there so much better than what he had which was a queen...I think!! And finally, Kent and I got ourselves a bed frame with matching night stands. We have been married 10 years, and have never had a matching HOORAY!! It's a dark wood, so we got a chocolate brown duvet to go with it and the lamps that I picked up at Goodwill for only 3 bucks a piece. Not next month, but the month after that, we hope to get a matching dresser...and our room will be complete. YAY!!

OK...must check chicken!! It is smelling so incredible...I wish I could put a scratch and sniff on this blog...then you could smell the aroma as well. YUM!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

I think Surrogacy is AMAZING!!

There are many things in life that I find amazing. Surrogacy is one of them. When I was pregnant with my own's almost like I just went through the actions of carrying them, having them, and raising them. But this time, I think it is very different.

For starters, I KNOW exactly what my body is doing. I never (or possibly didn't care) to know what my body was doing during pregnancy. I knew I was pregnant, and that was it. I mean, I read things, and looked at pictures and such...but this time, it is just so different!!

I am 11 weeks and 1 day pregnant today. WOW!! I know what the baby looks like...and I can feel the ever present changing of my body. I am so excited for my IP's...I can barely stand it!!

We had our first mid-wife appointment yesterday. My IP's and Kent were there. I had a routine below the belt check, to make sure everything felt like it was in the right place. And it was!! She tried to use the Doppler to hear the heartbeat, but Alissa (my mid-wife) couldn't find it...she said it was probably due to my tilted uterus. (I bet you all really wanted to know about that, huh??) We did have another ultrasound...and the baby was measuring 11 weeks 4 days along. You could see this perfectly formed was awesome!!

The ultrasound person (I am not sure if she was a tech, or a Doctor) anyways...she pinpointed the cause for why I have been spotting. Turns out, from all of the meds coursing through my body, I have a very small fibroid. So it's really nothing to worry about!! WHEW!! I haven't been overly, beyond myself, with worry...sort of like a nagging worry...WHY AM I SPOTTING??? Now I feel like I am on cloud 9...YAY!!

I didn't get to see my IP's for our originally scheduled ultrasound...prior to Christmas. So, it was great seeing them again. And I got to meet their sweet little girl. You should see the eyes on her!! They are going to have to bar the doors once she gets to the dating age!! :) I have not yet met their son (he was at school.) But if he is anything like his sister...he too will knock em dead!! J and T gave me a INCREDIBLE gift box full of bath/beauty items from a place called Lush. I opened it when I got home and just smelled, and smelled and smelled all of the things in there. And the product is so different from anything that I have seen. If you are curious as to what I mean, you can look it up at Kayte finally had to go get the coffee pot and sniff it since here nose was full of different smells!! :) And all I gave them was a batch of homemade cookies. So much for T's diet!! :)
Well, I am off on a walk today...thanks for sticking with me.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Martha...I could be on your heels!!

The kids finally went back to school today...when the snow started on Sunday evening...I thought for sure we were in for another week of nasty, stay indoors, type weather. Thankfully, when we woke up on Monday morning, the snow was completely gone. The kids didn't have school on Monday since it was a teacher inservice today, it was back to the old grind. WHEW!!

Since I was home alone today, for the first time in a long time...I decided to bake. And believe it or not...I didn't do half bad!!

I started with chocolate chip cookies...I know...I's a pretty easy feat...right? Well, it's been a while since I have made cookies because Ashlyn is always the one in the household to bake. So I researched some recipes for chocolate chip cookies....and went about my task. And oh baby!! They turned out so good. A little crispy on the outside and full of dark chocolate goodness. OH YEAH!!

I then started a batch of homemade meatballs. I actually ground my own meat ( no, I did not raise and slaughter the beef!!) so there wasn't hardly any fat at all. *I bought a HUGE cut of meat from Cash and Carry...and we will have at least 10 meals out of it!! OK...back to the meatballs...I put spinach in them...and baked them and put them with spaghetti...oh was delicious!!

After I put the meatballs in the oven to bake, I decided to try my hand at another bread batch. I used a different worked. The bread turned out pretty heavy...but it had such good flavor. I cut into it while it was still hot and gave some to the kids...oh, they thought they were in heaven!! So, other than the heaviness to the bread and the fact that it took forever to bake, it turned out really good!! I will be interested to see how it tastes tomorrow...maybe I will make the kids sandwiches with it for their lunches.

So that was my baking tryst today. Kent is in Ohio until tomorrow. Last night was the first night that we have spent apart since we moved into this house. I hate it when he is gone...I have the hardest time sleeping. :( And, my coffee just wasn't the same without him here. Oh my...he is just the neatest person that I know...SIGH!!

Tomorrow is Michaels 14th birthday. I am constantly amazed at how fast these kids grow up. He is really coming to be such a fabulous young man. Very witty...he makes us girls laugh...constantly. So, tomorrow...I will be in the kitchen yet again. I am making him pineapple upside cupcakes for him because he loves them so much. And, he wanted mashed potatoes (his favorite) so I will make them homemade and also make homemade meatloaf.

I went for my pre-ob appointment yesterday. I love this clinic that I am going to...they are so nice, and always answer my questions. I am going to have a mid-wife this pregnancy. I am excited about that, as I have always heard great things about mid-wives...but never thought that I would get the chance to be pregnant again. So I will see her for the first time next Monday. YAY!! I will be 11 weeks on Monday...that's only two weeks away from getting into the 2ND trimester!! This baby will be here before we know it!! to relax before I go to bed.