Saturday, November 22, 2008

Do you ever just ponder??

I think "ponder" is a funny, while "pondering" the word "ponder" today, I decided to come up with a few other words to "ponder."

I saw this piece of flair on, I pondered it...

Why is "abbreviate" such a long word?

How do they get wildlife to cross at the designated areas? I mean, when it say's deer crossing, or elk crossing, is there a deer crossing guard saying you can only cross here? How bout duck x-ing...can't you just see the duck in his little crossing guard uniform?

Why is it when you get a wrong number...the phone is never busy? I mean, I dial the number, it rings, Joe answers...and I ask if Mary is there. He say's have the wrong number. Every time that happens, I never get a busy signal. Weird!!

And one of my favorites....Why is there an "s" in LISP?

It's my birthday...and I can ponder if I want to!! :-D

Friday, November 21, 2008

Look at what was on my doorstep today when I got home from work!! Awww!! Thanks so much to my IP's...they are so sweet!!

I would imagine that ya'll are just dying to know if I am pregnant and if the IVF was successful or not. Well...

OK..I just am not even gonna keep you in suspense any longer...I am just going to come right out with it...

Ohh look...there's a kitty outside!! I should probably go out and pet it...oops...guess not...a squirrel just chased him away. Oh well...

Anyways...what was I talking about again...hmnn....let me see...Oh yeah...I remember now!! Am I pregnant or not??

YUP!! I AM!!! YAY!!! My beta was 110 so that means that I don't have to have another beta done in 2 days.

My due date is August 2nd...the day after Kent's birthday. I will go in on December 8th for my ultrasound to see how many sacs they see. I tell ya...I am so excited...however...we are still cautiously optimistic....

Thank you so much for the well wishes and prayers!! It worked!! It worked!!

By the way...if any of you want to be added to my email know when I blog...send me a message via blogspot and I will put you on my list. Thanks!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

UPDATE!!! This is SO exciting!!

Officially, I am 1dp6dt...which translates into being 1 day pregnant with 6 day embryo's. How's that for technical?? And, technically, I am pregnant, until the beta tells me otherwise!! :)

{{insert side note: Did you know that green is the color of fertility??}}

Yesterday, we transferred 2 stunningly, perfect embryo's...YAY!! We were supposed to transfer on Tuesday, but Dr. S wanted to grow them out just one more day, so he could pick the best one's to transfer.

I am laying here in bed, looking out at the Los Angeles haze, listening to the children at the school around the corner play at recess. Can you believe that in November, L.A. is supposed to have weather in the 90's over the weekend!! Wow!! And when I talked to the kids last night, they said it was storming pretty bad there in Portland.

We are supposed to fly out we won't get home till around 11:30-12...Ashlyn is being a doll and changing our sheets so that we can just go to bed when we get home. Kent really didn't want to miss another day of work...he is up to his eyeballs as it this is good that we are leaving tonight. I do, however, feel sorry for our friend Tom, who is picking us up from the airport. That makes a pretty long day for he probably won't get to bed till 12:30-1am. Poor guy!! What a great friend!! He should have told us just to take a cab home...or the bus or something. But he didn' sweet!!

Kent went for a run he ran over to Beverly Hills. He was telling me about 2 cars in a driveway...a Maserati...and a Ferrari. Hmnn..."honey, which car should I take today??" HAHA "Well, since I can't decide, I will just have Ralph drive me in the Limo!!" live that life. I don't think I would know how. And, I don't think that I would really want to either. Well...maybe I could give it a shot...just to see if I would be comfortable...hahaha!!

I wrote this little blurb I thought that I would share it...

Kent and I walked along Sunset Blvd on Tuesday and laid out by the pool since there wasn't really anything else to do. Yeah, life is pretty rough when it's 75-80 degrees!! (The Dr. wanted to grow out the embies an extra day...thus transferring on Wednesday instead of Tuesday.)

Wednesday morning finds us at the Dr's office at 7:30...and me drinking my water. They call us back and this time, tell me to disrobe from the waist down. So, this, to me, is good news. We wait a little while longer...and by this time, the water is sitting tightly on my bladder. Not a good sign!! So, I ask if I can "relieve" myself just a take the edge off. The nurse says yes...((Thank you LORD!!)) So, I go in..and take the edge off. My Kegel exercises must be hurt to stop..mid pee...but I did it!! I come out of the bathroom and Kent says to me...did you go? And I said yes...just a little bit. He then says the nurse said that I could go all the way if I needed to and that if my bladder wasn't full enough, then we could just wait a little more. So, I go in, and go just a little more...and again, stop the pee mid flow. OUCH!!

Dr. S comes in the room and puts the gel on my tummy and kind of presses on it to see my uterus. OUCH!! Doesn't he know that there is still "lots" of pee in there??!! He then says, wow...that's impressive that you just went a little!! And he asks the nurse if she would be able to do that and the nurse replies nope!! YAY ME!!

He did the procedure...transferring those 2 perfect embies into me...I then have to lay there for an hour for the embies to snuggle in for the long haul. And...let me tell you!! That was the longest hour in a very long time!!
Sometimes, when you wake up in the middle of the night, and can't go back to think that could have been the longest hour of my life. Well...let me tell you...When you are on your back, on this little medical bed that is as big as my butt...and your head is practically on the floor (nah...not really like that!!) but that's how you feel...and you have to pee like a race horse (where do you think that term comes from??) and you can't get comfortable because every move you make, makes your bladder scream in agony...and you read your email on your phone, just to pass the time...and then you come to this email that has the word urine in it...and everything you think has to do with bladder, and peeing, and...well, I think you get the picture. I HAD TO GO...BAD!!! So, after 45 minutes...I ask to go to the, the nurse says that's fine, and I will need to come lay down again when I am done. And AHHHH!!!! Sweet relief!!! Oh good gravy...that feels SOOO good!! Oh damn...there's no toilet paper!! Oh well, the toilet seat cover will work just's just not as soft as T.P. but I am not going to complain because I got to pee!! HOORAY, HOORAY!!
I then go back and lay down...comfortably this time...I could lay there for!! :)

Then, it's off to the hotel to be on bedrest for the next 30 hours!! But I can handle that...cause I got to pee...and that is all that mattered!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I am totally amazed at what hormones can do to your body!! Not only do they make your boobs sore...and we are talking INCREDIBLY SORE...but they give you mood swings like no body's business!! SHEESH!!

For instance...We were driving back from Seattle on Sunday, and I was sitting between the girls in the back. Well, I knowingly knew that Kayte had tapped me on the of those things where she does this and it makes me think that it is Ashlyn tapping me. So, I turned to Ashlyn, and I said "what." And I don't remember her reply...but something triggered my funny bone and I laughed, and laughed and laughed till my sides hurt and I was crying. Everyone in the car probably thought that I was seriously losing my mind. But I just couldn't stop laughing!! If I tried to think of something else, then my mind would wander back to why I was laughing in the first place. WOW!!

Then, this morning, I was taking Ashlyn to school, and after I dropped her off, I got to thinking about Kent. And the tears started flowing. I was thinking about how special of a person he is to me. For instance, I voted a certain way...and he was really on the fence about voting for either candidate...and was really having a time with it. Well, he voted for the same person as I did because he didn't want to see my vote not be counted. sweet is that. Then, while I am thinking about him, he texts me just to say I love You...and that he is thinking about me. So, I call him, since I know it's not safe to text and drive...and I tell him that I was thinking about him as well. And I told him how much it meant to me for him to vote a certain way....and I couldn't finish my sentence because I got all choked up. DAMN HORMONES!!!

On the baby front...J and T are going down to L.A. to give J's part of the donation. T said that as of the other day, the egg donor had 20 mature follicles!! That is fantastic!! I had my ultrasound and blood work on Monday. My lining was at a 13.something. So, that is a really great number!! We are flying out (I think) on Monday and will transfer on Tuesday of next week!! And after that...we will be in L.A. till probably Thursday. So, if everyone could spare a kind thought on Tuesday so that the little embies can snuggle in for the next nine months...that would be great!!

So that's it on this end...