Wednesday, November 5, 2008


I am totally amazed at what hormones can do to your body!! Not only do they make your boobs sore...and we are talking INCREDIBLY SORE...but they give you mood swings like no body's business!! SHEESH!!

For instance...We were driving back from Seattle on Sunday, and I was sitting between the girls in the back. Well, I knowingly knew that Kayte had tapped me on the of those things where she does this and it makes me think that it is Ashlyn tapping me. So, I turned to Ashlyn, and I said "what." And I don't remember her reply...but something triggered my funny bone and I laughed, and laughed and laughed till my sides hurt and I was crying. Everyone in the car probably thought that I was seriously losing my mind. But I just couldn't stop laughing!! If I tried to think of something else, then my mind would wander back to why I was laughing in the first place. WOW!!

Then, this morning, I was taking Ashlyn to school, and after I dropped her off, I got to thinking about Kent. And the tears started flowing. I was thinking about how special of a person he is to me. For instance, I voted a certain way...and he was really on the fence about voting for either candidate...and was really having a time with it. Well, he voted for the same person as I did because he didn't want to see my vote not be counted. sweet is that. Then, while I am thinking about him, he texts me just to say I love You...and that he is thinking about me. So, I call him, since I know it's not safe to text and drive...and I tell him that I was thinking about him as well. And I told him how much it meant to me for him to vote a certain way....and I couldn't finish my sentence because I got all choked up. DAMN HORMONES!!!

On the baby front...J and T are going down to L.A. to give J's part of the donation. T said that as of the other day, the egg donor had 20 mature follicles!! That is fantastic!! I had my ultrasound and blood work on Monday. My lining was at a 13.something. So, that is a really great number!! We are flying out (I think) on Monday and will transfer on Tuesday of next week!! And after that...we will be in L.A. till probably Thursday. So, if everyone could spare a kind thought on Tuesday so that the little embies can snuggle in for the next nine months...that would be great!!

So that's it on this end...


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, I wish you things are gonna turn out great!

Andrea said...

Thanks!! Thinking nothing but happy thoughts!!