Friday, November 21, 2008

Look at what was on my doorstep today when I got home from work!! Awww!! Thanks so much to my IP's...they are so sweet!!

I would imagine that ya'll are just dying to know if I am pregnant and if the IVF was successful or not. Well...

OK..I just am not even gonna keep you in suspense any longer...I am just going to come right out with it...

Ohh look...there's a kitty outside!! I should probably go out and pet it...oops...guess not...a squirrel just chased him away. Oh well...

Anyways...what was I talking about again...hmnn....let me see...Oh yeah...I remember now!! Am I pregnant or not??

YUP!! I AM!!! YAY!!! My beta was 110 so that means that I don't have to have another beta done in 2 days.

My due date is August 2nd...the day after Kent's birthday. I will go in on December 8th for my ultrasound to see how many sacs they see. I tell ya...I am so excited...however...we are still cautiously optimistic....

Thank you so much for the well wishes and prayers!! It worked!! It worked!!

By the way...if any of you want to be added to my email know when I blog...send me a message via blogspot and I will put you on my list. Thanks!!


Anonymous said...

YAY!!! I am so excited for you all!!! I can't wait to hear how many lil beans you have snuggled in there! haha Twins wasn't hard at all I bet you could totally do it!!! me lubs ya!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! I saw that you were pregnant on Facebook. How exciting!

pemble people said...

congratulations!! I know this is something you have really wanted to do, i'm so glad that God has given you this opportunity. YEAH!

pemble people said...

How thrilling!