Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Let it snow..let it snow..let it...NO!! NO MORE SNOW!!!

How many people wish for a white Christmas?? I know I have...and you can bet I won't ever be wishing for a white Christmas again!! As I is snowing..yet again!! Don't get me really IS beautiful....until you have to either be out in it...or you can't go anywhere because of it!! And, they are calling for another 1-3" for tomorrow. ENOUGH ALREADY is the sentiment I am giving!!

I was supposed to have my 8 week ultrasound on Monday...but due to the snow, they closed the OHSU clinic for the day. So, I called and left a message on Tuesday that I needed to have an appointment on Friday for an U/S and a Rhogham shot.

Let me back up here a moment...Sunday evening, I was sitting on the bed, using my computer...when all of the sudden, I felt a "gush" down in the nether regions. I thought to myself..."OH CRAP!!" So, I went potty, and sure enough...blood. :( I tried not to panic, but it's easier said than done when you are 8 weeks pregnant!! I called Kent upstairs, and he also told me to, I tried. We then went back to the bed, and we prayed for this little baby. I then took it easy the rest of the night...only getting up to go potty and brush my teeth and get my jammas on.

Fast forward to Monday morning...I called the Dr. and they said to just bedrest until the bleeding stopped and that because the clinic was closed, then to get in there on Friday for the u/s. I also was supposed to stop one of the injections as of Sunday, but they said to keep on it for now (which I am ok with doing...what's a few more weeks of shots in your bum??)

So, I spent Monday and half of Tuesday in bed...Kent and Kayte have been so sweet...bringing up my meals so nicely prepared. Kayte made me some top ramen yesterday...and she was so cute bringing it up...she cooked it...and she says..."Mom, I hope it's not too overdone!!" (She knows I don't like soggy noodles.) Well, it wasn't cooked all the way...but I didn't say that...I just ate it happily. She had also brought some cottage cheese and a glass of ice water with a straw. AWWW!!!

So, the OHSU clinic finally calls me back...and she tells me that as of the 17th, they can no longer do obstetrical u/s on IVF patients that are not their own. UMM...WHAT?? So, you are telling me, if I would have gone in on Monday (if the weather would not have been so bad) you would have sent me home? "Yup, that's what we are telling you." GRRR!!! So now I am left with...bleeding...wondering what's up with this little tater tot...and NO ultrasound!! GREAT!!!

I called my case manager and the Dr.s office...My case manager called around to a few places and got a u/s at an imaging center. While she was calling around, I got a call back from a dr's office right up the street from me, because I will have to start being seen by a regular OB in the next few weeks. So, as we were talking, I told her that I needed a Rhogham shot (because of the bleed) and she said a nurse would call me back to schedule it. Well, long and short of it...

I walked up to the Dr's office, and had the rhogham shot AND a ultrasound!! How cool is that?? And, they were supposed to close at 3 pm because of the weather, and they stayed open...I want to say just for me...but maybe not...I felt like they did though.

And good news!! We saw the baby!! It was measuring 8 weeks 3 days and had a heart rate of 183 BPM!! They could not find the source of the bleed...and I am still bleeding...I think when I do anything physical (the walk in the snow, up the hill) then I tend to bleed more. The Dr. called it a threatened miscarriage...he said 1 in 4 women have them...He said if I am going to miscarry, then I will and there is nothing to be done about it. (He did say except hope and pray!!) So, as long as I am bleeding...I will continue to be on bedrest....(which sucks, but it's OK...I know I am doing the right thing!!)

So that's it for now...I wish you all a Merry Christmas and the Happiest of a New Year!!


Anonymous said...

Bummer about the bedrest. I hope it ends soon for you. One happy note out of it is you get waited on hand and foot. Now you just need to hire a full time massage therapist. Have a Merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

I sure hope that lil one stays firmly put and the bleeding stops soon! Happy New year!