Friday, January 23, 2009

Things you don't know about me...

At home today...and not a lot to do...except the endless amount of laundry...but who wants to do that? Not me!!

So here are some ramblings about things you probably don't know about me...

I love cereal. Especially Raisin Bran (there are never enough raisins, so I put in more!!)

I read other people's blogs...except the ones in foreign languages...those I just can't understand!

I love to read books...but if I can't get into it within the first couple of chapters, then I don't finish it.

I like to find mistakes in random writings. The other day, there was a sign at a thrift store and it said Clearence...and I pointed it out to Kent that they spelled it wrong. (Clearance) (Mind you...I am not a perfect speller...but I do know my way around a little bit.)

I love my kids...but they can be frustrating at times.

Just because I get frustrated at them...does not mean I don't love them!!

I am feeling fabulous with this pregnancy!!

I hate the smell of dirt!!

I hate conflict.

I have 2 friends who are trying to get pregnant...and I sincerely hope and pray that it works for them.

I care how other people view me.

I am angry at my dad.

I love my mom.

I get teary sometimes when I think of my mom. *Damn Hormones!!

I secretly hope to be a surrogate again...but I don't know if I will. (guess it's not a secret if I tell people, huh?)

I wish Levi didn't have M.S. but he does and I am so happy that the drugs are working for him.

I don't think that Levi and Liz really know how I feel about them.

*Damn Hormones!!

I think my IP's (Intended Parents) were pretty reserved in the beginning of our journey, but now that we are almost into our 2nd trimester, I feel like they are opening up more...and I appreciate them. I would love to be good friends with them. They are a really great couple.

My husband knows that I love him, but I don't think I tell him often enough. I should work on that.

Same thing with my kids. I am just not a touchy, lovey person and I don't tell them enough that I love them.

I would love a best friend. (Besides my husband.)

I love the spring and fall.

I love flowers...especially in the spring.

I don't watch very much T.V. However, sometimes, I mindlessly watch it.

I love to read the paper from front to back first thing in the morning and hate it when it's not there at 5am!! (6 on weekends!)

I would love a glass of red wine with dinner...(but that will have to wait!!)

I love to get into the hot tub...(but that will have to wait too!!)

I would love to have Lasix on my eyes so I wouldn't have to wear glasses.

I could continue on and on...but I am sure you have seen enough.

1 comment:

Tina said...

I had no idea you had a blog?? or did I ??? Im sorry I would have been following it :) Hope to see you soon..