Friday, February 13, 2009

So sad..

Ashlyn and Michaels dog (at their dads house) just died.

Ebony was 10 years old, and Ashlyn texted me this morning and told me that her Gram and Michael had taken Ebony to the vet because they had thought that she had a seizure. It turns out that Ebony had fluid around her lungs, and could not breath very well.

Although I know that it's very sad for them to lose their beloved sadness is for my children. They are at their dad's house this weekend...what a way to start a long weekend huh? I am sad for them because I can't be there to give them a "mom" hug. :(

I asked Ashlyn if she wanted me to call her, and she said no...that she couldn't talk. It just breaks my heart...for both of them and that family.

In other news, Kayte went to Eagle Crest with her friend Sierrah. Kayte has talked about this trip for the last week...and she was so excited on Thursday, after school, because that is when they were taking off. This morning, I get a call from Sierrah's mom...telling me that Kayte got the flu bug that has been going around. UGH!! So, she is 4 hours from home, throwing up...and again...I can't be there to give her a hug. She did not want to leave though, as the bug seems to last only about 24 hopefully, she will feel better tomorrow so that she can have fun.

You can imagine the hugs I will be giving the kids on Monday when we all meet again!!

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