Sunday, February 8, 2009


As a grown woman, I know most of the rules...
Don't get into a car with strangers..
Wash your hands after handling raw chicken...
Don't talk with your mouth full...

You know...the "rules."

However, the one rule that I would never want to break...I "broke" today. I asked a woman who was checking out my groceries, when her baby was due!! (Insert gasp here!!)

And her reply...which I would have thought should have been.."Oh, I am due in August.." simply was..."Oh, I am not pregnant. I am just fat!!"

If a huge meteor could have crashed into Fred Meyers at that very would have been wonderful. But no...I had to face the fact that I just asked a non-preggo when she was due. As you can face flamed a brilliant shade of red. Kent could not fact I swear he moved about 3 feet away from me as if he didn't know me. I apologized profusely...and at one point, I think the thought went through my head..."are you sure you are not pregnant??"

To me...she looked about as far along as I am. And well, I guess right now, I look fat!! I thought I saw the tell tale "maternity pants band"...the one that you can pull up to just under your breasts. But eyes deceived me...horribly!!

I could not check out fast enough...and I am sure I warmed the next 3 aisles with the redness of my face. One would have thought I was mortified!!

As we were leaving the store...Kayte and Kent both told me that she didn't look pregnant...and that they couldn't believe that I had asked her that. I will probably NEVER go through her line again...and I know...from now on...unless it's absolutely, blatantly obvious...I will never question ANY woman's belly again!!

1 comment:

Tina said...

CAN YOU HEAR ME!!!! Laughing my butt off all the way over here in Idaho...Oh my goodness I am red for you....Well maybe just maybe she is pragnant and now she will stop being in denial...:) Ive done it before dont feel bad it happens.