Wednesday, May 20, 2009


Geez...has it really been since the end of April since my last post?? Good gravy!!

I ALWAYS have stuff to blog about...however, it seems that it is always rolling around aimlessly in my head...and there it stays!! So today...I will let all of my thoughts tumble onto the computer keyboard...and hopefully, the things that I write will sound like something I would typically say. =) first off...I would love it if you could keep my father-in-law in your thoughts and prayers. He was diagnosed with a blood cancer last month...and has since had 3 doses of chemo in the last 3 days(yuck!) and will have many, many more doses to come. Sadly, he won't be able to do the things he loves...such as gardening...and he won't be able to eat a lot of foods that he usually eats. So if you can keep Gail and Don in your thoughts and prayers, I would appreciate it.

Secondly, Kent is in Cincinnati..and will be home tomorrow night..late. He had to attend a class there...and well, tomorrow, he has an interview for the "Corporate Brands Manager" position. He has to interview for this...since last month, Kroger gave over 70 people notice that they are downsizing into 17 positions. His Sales Manager job is going away with the Clackamas Bakery...and, since that job will no loner be, then his job as an Account Manager for Commercial Baked Goods is also being done away with. Yeah...can you say "THIS SUCKS??" But...he is really good at what he does, and I know an opportunity will come about. If anything...perhaps he can be a baker for the Clackamas Bakery??

Today marks the 30 week mark in this pregnancy. Only 10 weeks to go!! YIKES!! Last year at this time, we were trying to get pregnant about this time, only to find that it didn't work. And then we waited...and waited...and waited some-more!! And then, once you are pregnant...time just flies!! At least it has for me...I don't know about J and T...

My blood pressure has been fabulous!! YAY ME!! We think that the reason it could have been higher at the Dr's office was because of the blood pressure cuff. It's a tad on the small side at the clinic...and that could have been affecting my BP. But who knows...just maybe, I have been a good girl and knocked out a lot of salt in my diet.

We are going to be putting a garden in this weekend. It's amazing how spendy gardening can be. We were originally going to put box gardens in...but after we priced the wood...and then priced the compost and dirt we would need to put in the boxes, it was almost $400.00!! Do you know how many veggies one could buy with that kind of money?? So, we have decided (and when I say we, I mean Kent...since I am not a good gardener!!) to rototiller the ground, buy a little dirt, and put a small fence around the area so that the dog doesn't get in there...and wha laa!! Put the plants in and the garden should be good to go...without all the money headache!! Remember folks...I am the frugal, cheap, thrifty, etc. person of the family.

Speaking of money...whoa baby!! Guess which family is almost out of debt? Did you guess the Hawes'? If you did...then you are right!! I spose I should splain better....

Once upon a time, there was a very nice family. Although the husband made decent money, it always seemed they were robbing Max to pay Peter,Paul, and Mastercard...and through the years, became ensconced deeper in debt. Finally, they said enough is enough...and went to a credit counselor to get help. Fast forward 5 years later...and through many a night of Top Ramen and Mac and Cheese, this family is almost finished with the debt that they incurred. HALLELUJAH!! No really!! This is a TRUE story!! :) Plus...we have no more car payments which is a huge relief (since the bitchin' white van should really be a Maserati since that's about how much we paid for it!!) But..I digress...

Ashlyn is making some cuppycakes for her friends birthday...and guess what?? There is gonna be leftovers!! WHOO HOO!!! That means...Heath (read baby in my belly) is gonna get one!! Or 5...whichever comes first!! =) I have sooooo been wanting sweets!! And perhaps...those dear little cuppycakes will help me soothe the sweet tooth!!

Well...that's all that's rolling around in my head...for now!! Hopefully, it won't be another month till I blog again, but if it is...just go and reread my blogs. Hee Hee!!

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