Tuesday, May 26, 2009

To Refrigerators Everywhere!!

This post is dedicated to refrigerators everywhere!!

Long, long ago...when I was a young girl...I went to a friends house to stay overnight...and there...in the kitchen...sat a gorgeous side by side refrigerator!! Wow!! I was SO jealous of her family being able to have one of these cool refrigerators. I think I must have opened the doors on that appliance at least a half a dozen times in the first 10 minutes that I was at her house. The friends name has long been forgotten, but not that beautiful refrigerator.

Fast forward to 2009...the date, May 26th. I HATE OUR REFRIGERATOR!!! Plain and simple!! I think, whomever thought up the grand idea of a side by side refrigerator was a moron!! Hello!! How much can you fit into the freezer side of the fridge? Not a whole heck of a lot!! And I feel like there is even less room in the fridge side...not because I buy too much food...it's not like I have scrumptious cakes just taking up all of that precious space on the shelf....I think it's because...in a normal household, you have at least 3 kinds of mustard...maybe a couple jars of relish (sweet and hot dog of course), marinades, sauerkraut, pickles...I am thinking by now...you are catching my drift. And don't forget the many bottles of salad dressing...so many choices, so much to choose from. Well...as of today, there is one less shelf and one less drawer in the refrigerator because...well...I just needed the room!! If you go through lots of juice in your family...like we do...you know that you NEED the space!! And...since there is iced tea weather a comin...one needs space in there for the sun tea pitcher.

Someday...I shall have the refrigerator of my dreams...ohhhh....let me tell you about it. (My mother in law has one similar to the one I want...) My dream refrigerator will have french doors in it...one side shall be able to hold 2 gallons of milk in the door, plus enough room to hold a pitcher of juice and said condiments. If you wanted to put the big ole jar of relish that one purchases at Costco in the door...you could...cause there would be room...oh...and while you are at it...go ahead and put the Teriyaki sauce in there too...it will fit!! There will be the freezer on the bottom...but get this...there will be not one drawer...but 2!! SAWEET!!!! A place for everything...and everything in it's place. Oh...and don't forget the water and ice and filter in the door...You HAVE to have that!! I bet I would not even mind having to come home after grocery shopping to put things away...in fact, I would rather enjoy it I am sure. Oh well...someday...someday!! If you cannot imagine my refrigerator...here is a picture of something similar...

P.S. My apologies for the way I titled my last blog...I inadvertently spelled blogged with just one "g" and since my dear daughter Ashlyn just reminded me of my mistake, I feel the need to apologize. It won't happen again!! :)

1 comment:

Karen Hartwell said...

That is my dream fridge also but just to spendy! Cheryl at work has one of those fridges she just got it. Let's see how long she loves it.