Sunday, July 5, 2009

25,,,make that 24 days left!! P.S. Not for the faint of heart!!

Hope everyone's 4th of July was wonderful. Kent and I were kidless...except for Kivu...which he IS a kid...just with 4 legs!! Our weekend was quiet with the exception of the HUGE fireworks being let off (by neighbors) from 10pm-midnight both Friday and Saturday. Friday nights fireworks didn't really bother Kivu too, too much...but there were 3 really BIG ones that he wasn't too fond of. We shut our bedroom windows and he went right back to sleep. So that was good.

Last night was a whole different story though. Kent and I had taken him on an extra long walk to really tucker him out. And that worked...until the neighbors brought out the big guns!! Poor guy!! He was so freaked out. :( Kent took him to go potty outside, and the neighbors let off a big one and it scared him so bad he ran under the deck and bonked his poor head..(Kivu did..not Kent.) And then Kivu was just a nervous again, we shut our windows and I went to sleep...I guess Kivu finally did too but I was out so I don't remember it. I was going to open the windows about 1:30am but when I looked outside, the kids next door were still lighting sparklers in their backyard. Oh to be young!!

Kayte went with some friends to the coast for the weekend. She had a really great time...until this morning about 10am...the girls were going swimming and the motel door to the swimming pool was steel and very heavy. A gust of wind caught the door and slammed against Kayte's left middle finger. (I am sure you can imagine the screams, as can I!!) So, Kim, (the mom of the friend) calls me on Kayte's phone and tells me that they almost got by for the weekend unscathed, and then told me what happened. The whole nail popped right off...and of course there was blood everywhere since the door cut into her finger. Lucky that she didn't shear the thing off!! They bring her home around 3:30pm because traffic was so awful. Kent and I take her in the house and start to take the gauze and band aid off of it, but by then, it's pretty much stuck to the nail bed. So, we soak it in water...and finally get it to come off. Kayte says she is feeling faint...funny thing...cause I am too!! So we go down to the couch and she lays down and has her finger in the glass of water. And all I see is the drip, drip, drip of blood coming from the finger down into the water. So Kent and I decide we should take her to the ER just to be on the safe side. Thank goodness it's just up the street and we are there in under 2 minutes! Kayte has never been in an fact...I think the last time she was at a doctor was for a bacterial ear infection in the 1st grade. (She is now going into the 5th grade!!) Needless to say, we are not very familiar with the ER...Anyways, our wait wasn't awful...and they put us back in a room. The very nice nurse talks to Kayte and asks her what happened etc, etc. Then the doctor comes in and asks what happened...again, Kayte tells her story. The doctor wants to get some xrays to be sure it's not broken at the tip. They give her a Vicodin for pain..and about 15 minutes later, she says her head feels funny. :) After the xray, the doctor comes back in and says that nothing is broken...and that they are going to glue the laceration on her nail bed back together. So he does...and Kayte doesn't feel anything until he puts pressure on it to stick it together. THEN she is in PAIN!! After we wait about 2 minutes, he then applies more glue all over the nail bed...and by this time, Kayte is in a lot of pain. Poor girl. Doctor goes out...and about 20 minutes later, a nice man nurse comes in to give us our discharge instructions. Well, he looks at the doctors notes which say to bandage it up and change daily...and he know...maybe that's not the best idea. So we decide to put a splint on it and just a tad bit of gauze...and walaa!! Kayte is almost a happy camper. So she needs to wear it for 3-4 days (She would probably wear it forever if she could cause it's "cool") but I think by Thursday, the nail bed will have gotten used to being naked and we will be able to take the splint off.

So that's how our weekend was.

On the baby front...since I have not updated in a while...we are 36 weeks 4 days pregnant. Big ole belly!! Baby Heath is great...loves to jab his little foot into my rib...but that's ok. I just try to push it back out. Went to see the midwife last Friday...she checked me and I am already at a 1 so I know my body is doing what it's supposed to do. I don't want to be induced this time around as the last 2 times when I was induced were hell!! Especially with Kayte. I am planning (***please note that this is not a binding contract!!***) on having a natural birth...and I know if I am induced...then it's fast and furious and I don't want that. We go back on Wednesday for another checkup. Getting right down to the wire!! So, that's it for now. I should have news on a job for Kent in a couple of weeks...but can't say much about it now...

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