Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Miss Ashlyn is a blogger!!!

I just have to smile!! :)

Ashlyn is FINALLY a blogger!! Good job kiddo!! You can read her blog at http://bakerashlyn.blogspot.com/ and, she has really great music on it too!!

OK...now for the news:

No transfer next month...read....no meds this month to get ready for our transfer next month. Insert tear here!!

I guess the egg donor was going through two agencies...(Have no clue how she achieved that!!) so therefor, she won't be used for the egg donation. There is no way that she could have pulled it off...I am curious as to what she was thinking when she did this? It's not like it's Easter and she can take 3 eggs out of her "basket" and give them to someone and then take 4 more eggs out and give them to someone else. REALLY!! It just doesn't work that way!!

So, the positive side to this, was that I hadn't started my meds yet...so that is good!! I was on birth control pills to regulate our cycle's (the egg donor and myself) but found myself with some break through bleeding. So, I contacted the Dr. and he said to just go off of them, have my period, then next month, when I have my period again, give them a call and I will go on them again. So, I did. That's it...no more to write...SIGH!!

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