Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Warning..Could be Graphic...

I am curious how "bugs" get into your system. Yesterday..around noon time or so...after lunch...my tummy started feeling a little weird. So, I drank some water, and resumed by normal activities. But, an hour later...I am running to the loo...really running. So, I go...I won't bore you with the TMI details...but let's just say, I had to RUN!!
So, Ashlyn and I go to the grocery store...and again, my tummy kind of aches...not the kind of ache where one thinks they are in labor because it hurts so bad. Just more of a rumbling in my tummy. We then go home (where there is safety in my own bathroom!!) and I proceed to let loose, what I would think, is the rest of my lunch..and possibly breakfast. I KNOW that there is nothing left in my stomach..I mean REALLY!!
We make dinner..with me grumbling only a couple of times that my tummy isn't so hot. I just didn't "feel" right. So, around 8pm...I decide it's time for bed because I am REALLY tired!! Around 11:45pm...my tummy again wakes me up...and there goes dinner. Again at 2:30...I don't know..there goes everything else that I have remotely thought of eating in the past week. So, I go back to bed...and lay there...and listen to my tummy grumble...and feel like I am going to get sick..just really nauseous. I don't get sick..thank you very much. Kent brings me some coffee at 5am..and there is NO WAY IN HOLY HECK that I am going to drink it. Can you imagine..acid on a yucky tummy?
I sleep a little more...and then I feel the need to pass some air...well, just so we are all on the same page, I DON'T...cause I KNOW what would happen!! HAHA...How sad is that, when you know you can't fart cause you are not sure if air or something horrifyingly liquid will come out.

And, to make my day even lovelier, I get to go to the dentist...and we all know how Andrea "Just LOVES the Dentist" now don't we!!

After the dentist, I think I will come home, climb back into my bed...maybe eat some toast...and take a snooze. I just don't think I can take this "crap" much longer. HEE HEE!!


Anonymous said...

Oh man, I thought I was the only lucky girl who could attempt to gas a lil gas and shit herself all at the same time. You have just burst my lil bubble. Thanks. LOL

Could you imagine if they could catch the look on peoples faces when this moment happens. They could make a collage of these pics...and we could laugh our asses off. Many many hours of entertainment.

Hope the tummy feels better soon! Dont bring it to the GTG with ya!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for giving me a few chuckles before bedtime. That was hilarious. There is no way in hell I could write that kind of stuff!!