Thursday, February 5, 2009

Blogging...all day long in my head!!

Sometimes, I wish that I could press a button on my body...and have all of my thoughts print out onto a sheet of paper so that I could peruse them at my leisure. But, since I can't, I will just have to jog upon my memory...and write about what I remember.

I had a very scary dream the other night. And 2 days later, the dream is still vivid. I will not write about it because I don't want to scare anyone...and it was only a dream. A dream that I know would not come true in a million years. At least I hope it would not come true. Why do we dream? What triggers something in our memories that we dream about? A boy that kissed me in the 6th grade on the playground at school? (He kissed me...I was simply the receiver.) What triggers a memory that happened oh so long ago? The world may never know. (No, my dream wasn't about that boy...It is merely a suggestion of some things that have been dreamt about.)

I went maternity clothes shopping yesterday. Not fun!! I honestly thought that I could just walk into a shop...try on the clothes...pick out the ones that suited me for them...and walk out. Hmm...didn't happen that way!! I picked Kent up from work so that he could tell me how fabulous I looked in whatever I tried on. We ended going to Gresham to the Old Navy there. I had already driven to Tualitan to the Old Navy there, since the gal at the Clackamas Old Navy told me that the Tualitan store carried maternity clothes there and not at the Clackamas store. So I drive clear across town for the sales people to tell me that, no, they don't sell the maternity clothes at that store, and yes, there are stores that sell maternity items, but they think that it's the Vancouver store, and the Gresham store. And then the one other sales lady tells me that they sell them at the Vancouver store and the Beaverton store...or was it Albany? I ended up very disgusted at the store...but asked Kent to drive to Gresham to look at the maternity clothes. We had a very nice country drive...and finally got there to find that yes, they did have maternity clothes...I think my closet is bigger than the part where they keep the maternity stuff. So, I try on about 6 items..and end up buying a sweater.

We then head back to the Clackamas Town Center and we try on some items at JC Penney's. I decided that nothing there was best for me. We headed to Motherhood Maternity and man...they have some cute clothes!! And here's where it all goes downhill. You see, I am cheap. Like a baby bird...cheep, cheep, cheep!! I just cannot justify spending $40.00 on a top and another $35.00 on a pair of pants...that I will wear for exactly 5 more months!! I just CAN'T do it!! And the thing is...I received my maternity allowance...the money is there...but I still can't spend that much on clothes. And, if I did spend that much on one outfit...I would feel so guilty. UGH!!

I hate sometimes that I am a thrifty person. Maybe too thrifty!! Anyways, we left the mall...bagless and clothesless. But that's o.k. Tomorrow...when the kids go to their dads house, I am going to hit the outlet mall in Woodburn. Perhaps I can find something discounted at the Motherhood store there. Or the Gap store...or...maybe I should just go naked. Nah...what good would that do me? I would just get cold!! :)


Tina said...

LOL I should just copy and paste this post m to my blog you so took the words right out of my mouth about shopping....

Anonymous said...

The Salem Old Navy has a wonderfully huge maternity section and always has sales. I would love to meet you for lunch and shopping!!